Wednesday 13 September 2017


Season 3 Week 6 was by description going to be interesting but reality turned out the be the usual rebel distractions with healthy amounts of sync shot.

Part one was easy, clear the area using your teams sync shots and then talk/release the prisoner.

Part two was halted by some friends calling over with large amounts of KFC, alternative challenge was accepted but it did tale a while to move onto step two..... Which used the same tactics as step one but with a mortar drop on the power to wake things up. Clear the area with rebel distractions/reinforcements and application of sync shots to clear the way. Talk to the released rebel leader. Yawn.

Part three is more of a long two parter than challengingly difficult.
fly to house, clear the house and grounds with sync shot, extract the target, fly to town, clear area with sync shots and extract two targets.

All hidden and unseen despite being "loud" in part two. Part three could be reset if you somehow took damage but that shouldn't happen at all.

This all made my character tier up (down..) from 12 to 11. Tattoo reward incoming next.

I also put some of the resources to use to finish levelling up the P90 and the LMG to level 8, nice to have just in case.

It will be interesting to see what Season 4 will be....

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