Sunday 24 September 2017


In playing more GRW I feel that I've had my fill. It isn't just the grind of Tier 50 to 1 but also the game as a whole. The latest changes to the Season event with player challenges instead of ones from the game designers; makes me feel like they only want minimal involvement with the game now. If they can't be meaningfully interested then neither can I. Maybe I'm just in a pissed off mood.
My short PvP time hasn't prompted me to go back for more so that's a DLC I won't be getting if it's a paid DLC. The first DLC was for me a disappointment, it wasn't in my playstyle. And even the second DLC which I like I find I also can't be bothered completing.
The true source of my "meh" mood is that despite great character customisation, each DLC needs you to create a new character. So my "main" character from the base game campaign wasnt' the character I took into the DLC's; And not the character I'll be doing anything else with outside of the main campaign map. So what is the Tier system really outside of the prestige pounding of enemies that I could already mince at level 30 before the tier system.
It's a DLC/character system that's all over the place and needed better work to streamline.
With my main's "liked" weapons upgraded, I'll work on the tier reward weapon damage upgrades next....

So I'm just doing the weapon upgrades and the tier system because they are there and because I'm a completionist. They are no use to any of the DLC.
I'm starting to cut my losses and close off this chapter of gaming. I'm in a last push to consider it complete. And with my mood right now I'll finish it and never come back. The tipping point will be if they charge for the PvP DLC.

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