Sunday 24 September 2017


The new space and ground queue's have been detailed and look interesting. I like that the ground version seems to need multiple teams to complete. But that doesn't bode well for it's longevity past initial release. It's hard enough to find normal groups for older content never mind needed two teams.
Time will tell.

In getting my latest sale price Zen rewards, I'm surprised by how fast my my characters are converting more dilithium to Zen. The exchange rate has returned to normal but already I have 400 Zen. With the aim of 1065 for 4 extra character slots. Not that there's a rush for character creation but it is a goal.

It's an ability I wish Eve online had, options to get more than the standard three characters slots.

But Eve's implementation of the SKIN system is what annoys me, it really is a price gouge when compared to Star Trek Online's standard and free ship customisation. Especially considering that STO is thought of as the being worse for it's microtransactions, I have to disagree.

STO v's Eve ship customisation:


Free ship model style's as well as design patterns to choose.
Free interior you can walk around (other designs can be purchased), ship base material shades and even the window type can be chosen.
 And all the colours to choose from...


Two tone pre designed look for €10.

Yea Eve is all about getting your cash. That's what gets me, if you want a skin with green accents instead of yellow, €10 more.

The initial thoughts and designs on what ship skins in Eve would be like was very free form.
The dream was real until CCP decided to monetise it.
 Considering the PLEX price of Eve skins (for a usual specific two tone design) at a cost of €10 (240plex = 1 SKIN) is really ridiculous. But Eve players are lapping it all up.

It's a pity CCP look at Eve as a cash cow for the here and now despite saying all the blurb about community and the next decade. What happens to a game like Eve that is relying on in game whales, when those whales swim off to spend cash on the likes of Star Citizen when it gets a release.
I was a whale, I payed for plex, collectors editions and the like. CCP steped on me too much enough was enough for me.

STO is free and from a company that uses the game to make money, it isn't their only cash source so they are open to allowing a lot of freebies. Yes STO has a lot of microtransactions but also a lot of way's to pay for those items not just with cash. A lot easier and more lenient than Eve and isk.
CCP in comparison is like Goodfella's.  I can't imagine CCP implementing a crew system that allows your characters to put the crew to work and get small amounts of plex daily.

I could waffle on......

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