Tuesday 19 June 2018

Darkest Dungeon....

The Color of Madness DLC is out (Extra content for €4.99 is a bargain); As well as the free Musketeer class

I didn't get to test out the DLC with my main save game; But I did do a first run on my Radiant mode save. Just to have a look. It's an interesting addition to the content of the game.
The farmstead is a fitting setting, it all goes well with the rest of the content.

I actually like the grinding zombie(ish) wave rush of the DLC, it's all about earning those crystals! The new currency of the game.

It really is all about crystal farming. Go into the farm and you'll have a meter that fills up when you kill an enemy, the further you go the more you need to kill, but the more crystals are rewarded.

The crystals are also needed for the new town buildings that add to your characters buffs.

My only problem is that the DLC doesn't allow a few extra character slots for your roster. My main save has had a full roster since the last expansion. I'm a bit of a roleplayer so I'm attached to these characters and the trials and tribulations "we've" been through. That's a small thing and a personal gaming choice.

I'll hold off for a while and experience the DLC in the other save for now. The last DLC had the same problem, then they added in a few extra slots.... They may do the same again.

I'll be taking my time with the new content either way. I've yet to find and recruit a Musketeer so I've no experience there yet.

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