Thursday 7 June 2018


Before the expansion I thought it would be a bit of a grind to level my main from 60 to 65; But it's only taken a few of the new missions on top of some admiralty missions. Two of the last admiralty missions got him leveled twice! Overall I've completed a few more missions on my main, I'm in no rush. I'm also in no rush to do it on my alts, I don't want to get burned out in a needless rush.

I did take the opportunity to create a Jem'Hadar. I have no problem in the character starting at 60. I've liked all I've seen with the character in both story-lines and the character/faction.

It highlights to me the grind (leveling up) that's been skipped as well as the amount of grind (mainly reputations) left to do.

It is a pity that the Dominion faction only exists for a few missions before you have to select the Federation or Klingon's.
Even though I think the Klingon's would be the more natural Jem'Hadar choice, the story-line has an explanation for it all.

The main reason I really like these kinds of boosted characters is to see the builds the developers have used for the ships and ground officers as well as your own new character.

It teaches a lot in terms of what they are thinking in how gameplay works.

As always a picture says a thousand words, so here are some screenies:

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