Thursday 21 June 2018

Darkest Dungeon....

I was glad to see a patch for the latest DLC. One of the fixes, corrected a problem I'd experienced. " Fixed a crash and issues around using the Default Party Order button ".

I was also glad that I'd experienced the glitch in a save I didn't care too much about. For me it made a character disappear and two more be constantly in retreat.... But it was a comic glitch to see as the party transitioned in a dungeon.

With the patch out I decided to load up the main save and choose four characters to "let go".
I wanted to get a Musketeer as one of the new four so had a few too many runs with older characters in older content as I waited for the new recruits to change. Eventually getting a roster I was happy with. Vestal, Musketeer, Occultist and a Leper. (4,3,2,1).

The occultist ended up with a unique quirk.

While I was doing the other dungeons as filler there were some interesting town events.

I've run the new recruits through a normal short dungeon and they'll need another one or two to get to level 2. I'll tweak their skill's/armour/trinkets etc and then take them into the farm for their first real run. I'm not expecting them to fail but I'm not convinced of their abilities at the moment either.

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