Tuesday 12 June 2018

So that E3 thing....

The PCGaming Show....

A few games caught my interest....

Hitman 2 looked as awesome as I know the game to be. I look forward to it later in the year.

Star Citizen got a very lacking golf clap at the end of it's footage.
Believe it when you see it I guess. I still believe I'll see it and that it'll kick a lot of áss when it does launch. But all this waiting....

I've spoken about Two Point Hospital before, it's looking better than ever. I can't wait to see it launch.

Those three are games I've already known about but there are two games that are now on my radar:

ManEater!!! looks freaking hilarious to me!!!!!!!
I used to play a mobile shark game but this for PC looks really cool!

I like the Cyanide and Happiness comics so to see a game with that comedy element should be great.
Rapture Rejects:

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