Monday 18 June 2018

Detroit:Become Human....

Detroit:Become Human has been a game that's held my interest since I first saw it's early teasers. As a PC and XBox gamer I'm missing out on this PlayStation exclusive.

As it's the hot topic item for steamers and youtubers of the moment I've decided to watch some playthrough's.

Watching playthrough's adds it's own storytelling entanglements depending on the streamer; These can be entertaining in themselves. For me I'll be aiming for a balanced gamer who's streaming.

Two playthrough's I've already checked and liked are these:

An emotional playthrough (pro game/storyline) from YOGSCAST Hannah    -    PLAYLIST
A balanced(pro game/storyline) run from jacksepticeye  -  PLAYLIST

However the cynicism from MathasGames and his aggressiveness (anti game/story-line) is so  annoying I was surprised at him  -   First video. I think I watched about the first 10 minutes but I was put off after the first 3!

Each to their own angle.

I'm still not sure if I want a port of the game, if it does reach PC and is cheap enough it might be worth experiencing for myself.....

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