Friday 29 June 2018


The ongoing adventures of Star Trek Online, are, ongoing. I've reached a lull in the gameplay of the latest expansion that's not just due to the hot weather. Getting my new Jem'hadar as well as my main through the new content has been good but I don't feel the need to take the rest of the characters through. Not yet anyway. So for now I'm back to Doff and Admiralty mission maintenance.

The holographic trader is great addition as a reward, saves me from getting into space to use the SS Azura. This also cuts down the need to return to Earth Spacedock.

The story-lines are good for the most part. Some jolting intersections in plot are present but can be forgiven overall. STO is it's own quirky self.

Not the end to Tasha Yar I was expecting. I'd go so far as to say it was worse then the original Tasha's end in TNG. Poor mirror Tasha.

The newest episode was interesting if a bit of a plain shooter, it tied up most loose ends, setting up the universe for continuing voyages.

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