Monday 10 December 2018

Eve Online....

CCP has seen fit to grace the players of Eve Online with "freebies" this year(11th to 28th Dec). Makes a change from not giving anything at all. Lets hope it's a trend that stay's a trend and doesn't take a gap year again.

CCP always seems to do things that make them endearing and then does something else that makes a player fly off the handle with rage.

I've not been playing Eve at all, maybe a quick login for my PvP Alpha which is now a PvE character. To get into PvP with a group takes time, effort and trust all in the long term. Besides I don't fancy being a meat shield /distraction to gain that trust etc etc. PvE casual, I is what I is.
Oh and my other (dedicated) Alpha, the PvE character, is all set to jump to null to chill in a quiet corner to belt rat and mine, super casual......

That is if I could be bothered to get grilled in a corp interview for the alliance I'm looking at. Meh.
Better things to play. "That's just the way it is".

I've not touched my other characters, these crimbo gifts will allow them to get a login at the very least. I'm not concerned about the various extra gifts being given to Omega characters, I'm sure they will be flooded on the market over crimbo. Indeed "Operation Permafrost", the event to go with the season is I'm sure going to be inundated with players all screwing each other over for the rewards. Best of luck to them, I'll buy the rewards I like. Not that I'm after much at all. I'll oggle the "Chromodynamic Candy SKINs" to see what takes my fancy. Boosters and accelerators hold no interest for me. I do like the clothing. Less so the face markings/things.
The rest is all more "meh" so far. With 13 day's of gifts I'm sure there will be some novelty items that will be worth it. And not just 10 day's of free fireworks....

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