Friday 28 December 2018


With a little Lobi help I claimed this years winter event ship today, a few day's early. Using spare weapons/modules I put together a fit that worked well enough to get it in space and tested.

It's a fast ship, the extra flames, sparks and engine plume when you hit full impulse gives a certain giggle factor. It's too ridiculous not to have fun in. Like Klingon's on steroids.

In an operation the ship was strange to handle, fast yes but with the ability active to pull ships in with chains, ramming them, just felt wrong. No need to keep a mindful watch on angel of attack with this ship. It may actually be a ship that rewards button mashing. No subtly in it's use.

While claiming the daily vouchers I also decided to set daily jobs for the latest tier of reputations, tier 6. I've all done bar the Gamma rep. Another 25 or so days will see it at 6 as well. In practice it may take longer; No daily means I don't have to log in. I've been in STO for most of a month with the event daily. The event wasn't feeling like a grind but the rep would. It may not sound much but absence makes the heart grow fonder etc.

With the ship done and the event still ongoing, the next few day's may see me add to the post event reputation to gain marks for other faction rep. Probably more Gamma marks as they are what are most needed now.

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