Monday 16 August 2021

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

Since my last BF1 post I've been enjoying some more matches on Xbox. Going from PC to console and using a controller again(it's been a while) hasn't been as big a trauma as I'd thought it would be. It's still slower method(imho than pc), no matter the way I try to configure it. So I end up either under or over compensating. Which translates to a lack of reaction time when aiming down the sights and flailing bullets wildly when not. The real problem is the movement acceleration for the right stick. So no wonder I've preferred to favor maps with enclosed spaces over open fields. Unless I'm on a vehicle weapon like a tank cannon.

The servers for console seem to have more players no matter the hour, early or late. Maybe I've just been lucky. The PC version has seen a big fall off pre and resurgence since BF V; But still has peaks and troughs of player numbers through the day. It's never fun to wait for a server only to be the only player on it. But it has happened on PC more than Xbox. 
As this last week has proved the console version is more susceptible to EA server/multiplayer 'problems'. The mysterious EA servers not available -> Go Online and there are no servers 'thing'. While there are workarounds I found it best to launch the game from the EA Play app on the Xbox rather than the game on Xbox itself.... Just worked out better to get the server lists again.... May work for some, may not work like that for others... Finicky to say the least when it does 'act up". If all else fails then the recent lists from old matches may just save the day for a match fix or two.
In saying that the Xbox BF1 crowd 'seem' the same FPS junkies as on PC, which shouldn't surprise me. More easy access to comms makes them a vocal bunch and they're more 'leetist' in a 'get gud' shouty kind of way. 

Like on PC I've had good matches, bad matches and matches where enemy reaction time is 'too accurate'. 

While I've missed using some of the fully unlocked items I use on PC; Unlocking them on the Xbox has been a driving motivator for playing as well. Fun objectives to add to the mix!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway all this got me looking at the achievement stat percentages. Good idea;Bad idea. This has the potential to be sarcastic and overly negative... Stats!

Some of the ones I've unlocked and those percentages.....

Less than 20% of players have a medic class at level 2.....
...... It's the medic class, sorely missed when none are about but then again never a 'desirable' class to play for those who want shooty shooty bang bang. The lack of medics has made matches meat grinders. It's noticeable. Not for the better imho. It's common enough to be walked over by 'special' medics who only revive friends and sod every other 'team-mate'. But at least this last week and as I write I've been getting matches with all the medics and revives on the planet! Long may it last.

Less than 18% have an assault class at level 2.....
...... But the shooty shooty bang bang mainstay class; It's what makes a shooter a shooter. It's odd that less than 20% are 2 or above....... Maybe explained by there being so many LMG toting Support players(infinite bullet hose is more preferable?); Can't argue bout that I suppose.

Just over 30% have completed squad orders....
...... As squad orders can be completed like tripping over thin air, that % means that squad leaders are not doing squad orders..... Again noticeable. But something even I avoid doing on PC.... 
Then again I've not seen many players spot the enemy either, so maybe it's a right shoulder button bad luck voodoo thing..... 

Heaven forbid console players use the same buttons for different things..... Multitasking seems to be a no no overall(Or is that my PC leetism coming through, both maybe); The controller layout can get complicated in the heat of combat. I've had moments when trying to do one thing(like spotting) makes the command wheel pop up and I end up calling for a medic, ammo or shouting GO GO GO in text chat. It's not perfect on PC either but on Xbox it's a pain to escape and not get killed. Better to let the button mashing happen get the spot/kill and forget the errant mashing.
As for why I don't seek out that command duty, I'm in it for the action not the people management.

Only (just over) 30% have reached rank 10!!!
...... So much for thinking there's longevity in the game... There're plenty of players listed in matches as being 100+ 
There's plenty of players in the game regardless.....But I've barely played and am in the 40's. Maybe I'm reading it all wrong.

As the saying goes... "Lies, dámn lies and statistics".

A while back I got one of the newer Series S/X controllers. The slightly smaller size and other minor changes are very welcome. I'm biased as an Xbox head so no surprise there either. But the share button is a massive improvment. I've so many clips and screenshots now! More clip management but better than recording everything as I do on PC so I'm welcoming the less use of disk space. 

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