Thursday 3 July 2014

Eve Shenanigans......

For some reason I've messed about quite a bit with the captains quarters avatars, changing clothing and looks and updating portraits. It's a pity that more isn't available in station to allow mingling avatars.
My null alt has trained up a few extra skills and his PI sales have made a good bit of isk. He was able to pay for a t2 ( more or less ) fitted and t1 rigged Raven. And insure it.

I've not had the time to take him out in it as time was limited or other things were getting attention, but he is coming on in leaps and bounds.
Yes I have two warp core stabs on that fit, its a travel fit..... or as near a travel fit as I get. I'm actually thinking of keeping one stab on to save the bacon.
The Raven is a slow slow beast.

Getting a Badger load of Raven support gear into null was an interesting affair. Thankfully I wasn't even targeted.

I got his main skill clone fitted with implants into null. A very heart in mouth experience as I warped him in. I now don't have to jump clone so much. More importantly I dont' have to be out of null at all.

I've done a fair bit of mining instead of ratting and made a few ships, haulers, frigs, destroyers. I aim to get a few fitted pvp frigs and destroyers together so that in a month or two when the training is done I can pvp in a clean clone and see how I get on.

As you may guess from the background colour of space in my screen shots my null alt is living in the Amarr null CVA run area Providence. The alliance that I am part of holds a good lot of systems and it's corp's have a lot of free rein. It's easier to get into than other null bloc's in my view and has more freedom and opportunity.

If its an intro to null you want you can do far worse than to check out Provi Bloc.
They at least give the benefit of the doubt. If your not listed as red then you can come and go in their space. The only problem as a neutral is not having access to the intel channels so you can't tell who is a blue and who is a red. Solved easily by joining a corp in one of the alliances.

My RL friends that are on and off eve made some appearances in the land of Internet spaceships. One left again after loosing the customarily large amounts of isk via ship splosion(s).

I ended up teaming up with him on his last day as he only had a drake to fly in level 4's. He had lag problems and his last Dominix went pop.

My Minmatar alt started and completed the Minmatar epic arc, but really needed the help of my primary alt in his Tengu to get through a good few parts. Her tank is really not up to scratch for some level 4's never mind the abuse they take in the arc missions. But it was good to see and do.

I had an idea to use some extra ships from my mains "HQ" station to setup race specific mission running hubs. So I would have a racial Minmatar assault frig, BC and BS and run lvl 1 to 4 missions in them. Getting to grips with the ships/weapons and adventure in a new area of space. Something extra to do with my main.
I was thinking the same thing about Gallente space and I was busy for some time getting ships and gear ready. Moving to a central station/system that seemed to have it all ( agents and proximity to a trade hub). But it was about 10 mission into the Minmatar corp of choice that my lil ol valuable standings in other area's started to take minus ratings due to me getting bonus Minmatar ratings. So I'd rather keep the status I have and avoid damaging rep/standings etc. That's one project that was then wrapped up.
With my main being Caldari I'd rather have better Amarr and Caldari rep and do their epic arcs. After all I have an alt to do Minmatar stuff with etc. At some stage I may have my null alt retire from null and do some Gallente stuff.

I plan on going back to my second main and grinding soe missions so I can get sec status with her as well as LP and isk in general.

Daily routine is more along the lines of:
Checking skill q's.
Updating PI on 5 Characters.
Then get into something that peeks my interest. 

Both mains and 2 alts are now really only doing skills & PI.
Long term both my mains are busy skilling up, with my second main covering more of the same skills the main main has ( adding Indy skills and more T2 weapons). 

The only two characters that are doing anything are my Null Alt and my Amarr alt trader.

In the next while ( month or two..... ) I hope to get my main to do both Amarr and Caldari epic arcs. Plus a tentative look into getting my main to do incursions.
The second main to do the Caldari and a first time doing the Amarr arc would be nice.

I still need to compare the skill lists of all characters and rework long term skill plans.

So many aspects of the Eve "game" can be considered "the" game.

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