Thursday 3 July 2014

Trial to go crazy with.....

As part of the 10th Anniversary editions they gave a 60 Day trial key.
Since getting it I've had "trial from 10th anniversary box for something".....  penned in to "do".

Looking about the net for training for alts gives a lot of mixed results.
A lot of them are old old posts, a few still relevant and only a handful that offer up to date results.

A good new post I found was this one.

In doing up an alt I've always considered them to be permanent additions on my main accounts.
A 60 day trial would give a good skill base to a character. Enough to make that character non-disposable in my view.

However a constant idea of doing something with a disposable trial account has been in my head. So I may end up doing a trial trial disposable character to get into "trouble" with. And leave the 60 day trial for something "special". 

The big question is what can I do in the guts of three weeks on a trial account.

I need an aim. A purpose. Something simple and easy to train into.
Is that even possible...? can I get a lot of training in a week and a bit to use the trial for another week and a bit for its purpose....

It's a whole other way to play eve.....

Lots to consider and look into.....

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