Thursday 3 July 2014


The links at the end are the catalysts ( pun there ) for me posting about an idea I've had for quiet some time.

Here is the basis of the idea and a little fleshing out of it.
I have nowhere near the ambition or resources to make it work. But I have to state the idea.

Alliance called:     Cease & Desist

Main corp called:     Crime Stoppers
Exec corp called:      Strategic Lawsuit Against Perpetrators  (SLAP)

( problem with names is that the eula has rules against naming stuff after real world suff, Crime Stoppers, may be a problem )

Corp description :

Dear [Perpetrator]:
This CEASE AND DESIST is to inform you that your persistent actions including but not limited to suspect flagging, (Ninja Looting/Can “flipping”/ganking etc)] are unbearable.

You are ORDERED TO STOP such activities immediately as they are being done in violation of the common law.
All have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute harassment/stalking/etc.

If you are a suspect we will prosecute you.

(All suspects are guilty--period! Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspect, would they!)

Sounds good.

Startup will require a large startup pile of isk... really large!

Hi-sec PVP with a cause. To stop criminals and suspects.
All donations to the exec corp for use.
First corp members to reach 25 kills against suspects gain a pursuit comet?
T1 frig/destroyer Ship replacement? ( only t1 mods and rigs or t2/meta mods used as replacements )?

We do cover all 0.5 and higher sec systems (hi-sec) ( hi-sec islands? )
We do hunt all suspects (ninja salvagers/can flippers etc).
We do want to bring ‘justice’ to suspects and want to do something about it. (All suspects are guilty--period! Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspect, would they?)
Kill rights –  (because they were suspects and can and should be punished right?)
We don’t gank non suspects.
We don’t’ bait to cause suspects/kill rights. (unless we get caught doing it, opps "sorwe")
We don't start war-dec's
No local spamming/taunting or gf's etc. ( were not here for gf's, were here to complete a purpose. )

Plug both these in corp info:
Red Frog Freight.  To move items when corp/alliance is war decced or permadecced.
Estel Arador Corporation. Free clones from dozens and dozens of stations right across New Eden.

Chat channel – crimestoppers
Have players in channel state in this format
Name of "suspect"    -   ship type   -   system  they are operating in
Chanel admins needed.

Corp chat for all internal info.

Chat channel – crimestoppersintel        For private corp/alliance chat to affiliates

FC’s / A dedicated alliance/corp leader(ship) and staff to uphold intel/channels etc.
Corp fittings
Financial backing -  Financing is a big problem ( philanthropy needed ).
Backing by other groups ( in and out of hi-sec ).


Enemies –  This will draw enemies and constant war dec's. ( i suspect these will be "against" the alliance) Griefer corps/alliances in general like: Break a wish foundation / Tear reclamation

Need to tie into the “good” to combat these….. There is good out there right......

INSTEAD OF me ranting on the best description of why it wouldn't work it's best put in this post by jester.

These are the info links that were of interest:

as well as:

more info here:

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