Monday 28 July 2014

So it begins..... Update 12 - Finale

Last Saturday saw the last use of the trial alt. I had traded / handed over 99% of the gear/ships and items bought with isk that needed to be handed over. He just had the scan ship, salvage ship and a dps (if that's what I could call it) ship for killing MTU's.
I got to scan down and collect a good lot form a level 4. Even with the missioner seeing me he only got to salvage one room of 4 from the mission. The rest got me just over 14 million in salvage and loot. So that was good.

Later that day I scanned down an mtu of a mission in progress, seemed like a small level 4 or maybe a level 3 mission. With the missioner still in the pocket I decided to shoot the mtu, this went on for a while, they said nothing in local and didn't try to collect the mtu, they just sat there. I was sure they were talking to either corp members of friends about the asshat shooting their mtu and true enough a crop member landed on grid.
LML Condor, now a 500k SP character isn't a match for any pilot in pvp, I wasn't bothered to really do anything other then orbit and fire back. He blew my ship away in short order, then called me a moron in local, in Russian no less. I responded with a \o/. In response I decided to set a bounty on both the missioner and their corp mate. That really got their attention. The missioner set a 100k bounty and the pvp corp mate set 500k back on me.  Received with thanks. There was a little perverse joy about sullying a squeaky clean 5.0 sec status missioner with a big wanted sticker on their name. I lost an atron and t1 fit worth 2 mill. Seems that I didnt' need to troll to get a bounty after all. With that all done I sold/traded or destroyed the last bits the alt had and logged for the last time.

A trial alt can really fĂșck about with the normal player base with no consequences. I may not be doing this on a rolling basis but I think I'll return to this form of play again in the future.

I think I appreciate my mains a lot more now. It's a lot harder then it seems to be an unsullied member of the carebear/missioning/indy community. There seems to be an endless supply of ninja ganking players constantly picking away at the carebears. A few nudges and that perfect character that you do so much to protect and shape can fall and fall hard. That tipping point is a fine line and can cause rage quits or retaliation. It all seems to be pointed one way in this game, interplayer conflict, pity, as it's not the game most carebears want to play.

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