Thursday 17 July 2014

Ninja's and carebears.....

There have been some thoughts in my head about the new trial alt experiment I’ve been running.
Grab the syrup I’m gonna waffle.

I can see why the trial is there and used to hook a player into Eve. Every game has a demo or trial, that’s just good marketing.
But the more time I spent on this trial the more reason I see to go back to use trial alts in an ALTernative manner with no comeback on main/paid/plexed accounts.  Am sure there are players that see how far they can push during a trial, EULA or not.

I have been using this alt to be a ninja salvager, I am no troll, I don’t say anything in local, I don’t hunt for tears. There are people that relish the tears caused and do hunt that way.
During my early missioning day’s I’ve been on the more frustrated side of missioning when a ninja showed up. I have to say that I always accepted it.
As a missioner today I salvage and loot as I go, most of my ships have a tractor and salvager and a set of salvage drones. I may use an MTU but that really does attract attention as it is easy to scan down. 

While I’m doing the Ninja salvaging to shake up my normal carebear playing it really boils down to common sense when missioning and  to avoid the majority of ninja attention.
Dedicated Ninja’s are organised and roll in their own inter corp/alliance groups trial or not, they have support and usually logi support to rep them, they will up-ship and they will tear a player a new one if they can, usually after a missioners wrong move or after a missioner has succumb to trolling.

Ninja alts like my one are no real threat, I impact the isk/hour ratio. I don’t’ have the backup to push the experiment further… I don’t think I would want too. Others with support or a bigger player base of friends/groupies probably wouldn’t think twice about it.

I once saw a Ninja in local replying to a missioner they were salvaging from. The missioner was upset and was very verbal in local. The Ninja was playing it or was genuinely surprised in a “just going about the game as it allows me too” fashion. In that way the missioner was the abuse giving player disturbing the salvager. Perspectives are interesting.

Eve online is what it is. It is the open universe sandbox with few rules. As CCP has said the player is the content.
In a game like that, players will do what they want, they will use the rules or lack of them to push their chosen activity as far as possible.
If it can be done in eve, players, solo or in groups will do it.

Advice for the mission runner:
Keep your safety on Green.  
Loot and salvage as you go.
Use an mtu if there are not too many people in system and even fewer actively flashing amber. (I’ve compiled a list as I’ve been missioning over my time in Eve and know the ninja corp’s/individuals, am sure you will have compiled a list too….. it’s not hard to do.) 
If there are a lot of ninja’s showing in local then expect to get a visit.
If one shows up, scoop your mtu (if you have one out), then dock and make a cup of, kiss the wife or have a 5 minute small talk with someone, use of the time better than raging about something you can't change..
Be conscious and self-aware.

In the last day’s of my alts trial life I intend to make another, trade off the current ships/assets and isk and start the process over again. It's turned into it's own version of playing Eve online.
Trial’s are something that can be used by anyone. It’s free and it’s accessible even if you don’t upgrade to a full account. 

Grab a 21 day trail here and see what you can do ALTernatively. 

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