Monday 14 July 2014

So it begins..... 4

I spent some time faffing about with the new trial alt during the weekend and ended up doing the Military, Advanced Military, Industry and Business Career agents. Tho I did skip learning some skills that really were not needed. Not to mention skipping the Mining agent altogether. In doing these I was surprised at the amount of isk made. The alt was able to keep up with the skill books needed (even the 4 or 5 500k isk books) and has not had any outside assistance yet regarding isk.

As he stands he has some more skills levels to learn that will take about 2 days ish, then he will be 99% complete for purpose. The last skill will take 4+ days and is Drones V. Not 100% necessary but will take it and see.

After completing the career agents he was left with two Ventures, two Haulers, an Atron and a Tristan.
I also went back through his skill book purchases and bought duplicates of the books he used. These skill books, the left over Ore, modules and other bits will go to the next trial alt.

These are most of the skills I bought, listed in no particulate order.

On my main I did fit up an Imicus (scan ship) and two Tristans that I will use in this experiment.

I traded the ships in space as trials have no contract abilities and I was overly paranoid about trading.  Ships and fits all came to about 11 Million. 12 Million will see this alt "break even".

While going about the career agents (playing WoW and BF4 while doing so) my lil alt was scanned multiple times not to mention attempted duels, surprising for a noob in a noob system. Then again this is Eve.

I recall during my mains trial I was contacted by a GM to see how I was getting on and to give information. I'm glad to say that that tradition seems to be ongoing. Although I was afk at the time the GM who convo'd me sent an Eve mail. Still a nice touch.

Time wise I have the next two weeks to use this alt.
He turns 7 days old tomorrow. The remainder of this week will see training and testing out scanning and see what he can do. Next week and weekend will be all about getting the isk and stirring the pot.

Aims are still:
         Scan out MTU's (blow them up and loot)
         Ninja Salvage (make 12 + Million)
         Get a bounty placed on me. (may be harder then it seems)

If I get most of it done I'll definitely be doing this alt to alt as an ongoing basis..... for a while anyway. Then the 60 day trial can be considered.

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