Friday 19 August 2016

WoW.... The waiting legion....

With the pre expansion patch and release of the world events it's interesting to see people farming them for the gear. I've been doing it on all my characters, it is the best way currently to do it.
I've been trying to hold off as I don't want to be burned out from it. I also don't want to regrind what I've just done. As it looks to me like the gear dropping from the events is getting better the further into the event we get. At the start it was all ilvl 700 gear but last night on my Demon Hunter farming crystals I was surprised to get a few ilvl 710 gear. If that gets better I'd rather wait a week or so and then hammer the alts through am farming binge.

The latest storyline quest is a painful character walk and talk. Roleplayers must be jizzing themselves with glee.
Urge to punch Khadgar RISING!

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