Wednesday 3 August 2016

Games, Games, Games....

I did a quick list of games I thought were interesting and that I'd previously mentioned on the blog over the last two or so years with a view to see where are they now. So in no particular order....

Seldon Crisis looked like it had some potential but the kickstarter listed it as cancelled: "Seldon Crisis: a Sci-Fi Sandbox MMO Universe (Cancelled) is the subject of an intellectual property dispute and is currently unavailable."
It seems that the game was re branded as Sudden Crisis. One things is for sure and I haven't dug into the details but I think I'll be ignoring and forgetting this or and it's new iteration. I think I remember a podcast that slated the development company for their reuse of "stuff".

Transverse is dead in the water, I liked the trailer but this game is no more. At least there seems to be a refund for people who did fund it.

Rogue Invader is sadly cancelled as well. It did look like it could have been great.
At least the demo is still available for anyone interested:

Limit Theory. Was one of the first No Man's Sky / Dual Universe type games that I came across. It's developer hasn't been very vocal at all with the youtube and main site not listing anything new in about a year or more since the return of the creator. The forum is still busy enough with the die hard fans but there hasn't been much else to show progress in the last while. It may be stuck in development. There is hope for it as the creator is a very dedicated person.

Firefly Online is still kicking but only as a companion "app", no sign of the "main" game yet.
The Cotex app is available on steam and will let you get your start in the universe. The fact that they haven't made any new comments in a year is strange. Where other games would have hope this one at least in my eye does not. Especially after reading this.

So that's 3 games cancelled and 2 stuck in "development hell".

Speaking of development hell I have to say that Star Citizen is perhaps the opposite of Firefly Online. It's been pumping out soooo much information, making soooooo much money, has been developing and redeveloping the game and everything associated with it yet has no "game" released yet. It is stuck in it's own brand of development hell. I've been blogging about it before - here, here and here.
Time will tell if they release Squadron 42 this winter.

Dual Universe is in early pre alpha and I have said that I'm no fan of the graphics but there is hope that they will develop and make it look better. I'm not a fan of the voxel graphics. I dont' think I've seen graphics like this since the 90's (Delta Force 2Comanche (series)). I'll try to be less negative about it as the game really does have potential.

Long Journey Home looks to be on course for release. A more story driven stylised version along the the no Man's sky type of game. It does look good.

Speaking of No Man's Sky there does seem to be a great deal of talk about the actual gamplay activities. It's a game that I've been keeping an eye on for some time but the closer to release it gets I seem less likely to buy it. At least straight away. I might wait until there are a few fuller reviews.
I'm liking the latest batch of video's that actually show gameplay and what is involved with "being" in the game. I've waffled on about it before. 

And last for this list is a game called Dreadnought which is in closed beta at the moment. It looks detailed and fun for a quicker gameplay style. I think my own gameplay style has changed in that regard. I might have to see if the price matches my expectations to make it worth getting into this game. With luck it will be released soon.

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