Sunday 21 August 2016

No Man's sky.... More love and hate....

No Man's Sky is a very polarising game, I've said before that you will either love it or hate it and there are a lot of people saying both. I wish the game company were more transparent in what they are going to bring to the game next in features and gamplay. The lovers and haters are almost a bigger thing than the game itself.
I do love the game and I'll try to stop repeating myself but it's hard for me to state the good as it goes hand in hand with the bad. I'm still enjoying the game. And it's worth sharing and keeping up to date on both sides. As said by G.I. Joe, "knowing is half the battle".

It's a pity that Hello Games is not answering it's haters issues and in doing so taking away their haters way to hate.
The main twitter for No Man's Sky is full of helpful player hit'n'tip's video's.

Another article that is worth reading that says the good and the bad is this Forbes article

The two video's below state the general let down's that the player base are irate/confused and raging over.

Feelings on No Man's sky worth hearing from Pyrocynical.
The video may be called a rant but the video overall is a balanced view....

I'm not a huge fan of The Know's video's but the general info on No Man's Sky's current state is worth a watch.....

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