Sunday 14 August 2016

WoW Legion.... perspectives....

The gearing up in the pre expansion event is easy. So easy that you can park your character and let others complete the "rift" events while you get the rewards. This is only going to get easier as the encounters increase in frequency and are going to be endless.

A lot of people are standoffish. I've not been a lazy bastard on all my characters tho. I've just got so many to go through. The alliance "rifts" are the ones I'm going to be less active with. Their town guards can be asshats when the rift is gone they tend to attack hordies. 
Likewise Horde accidents happen.... poor alliance, thanks for the help....

The main difference in storyline between the Horde and the Alliance event cutscenes that I saw is that the Horde shows the end of both current faction leaders while the alliance cutscene only shows the end of their own leader. Their perspective shows the horde looking like the backstabbing undependable cowards that let it happen. What a crock. 

Horde perspective:

For a greater perspective here is a video of all the cutscenes:

But the Horde ending is my favourite, the handing over of power:

Thank you YouTuber's for the uploads.
For the Horde!

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