Wednesday 31 August 2016

Eve Online.... BOOM.... Headshot!

Eve Online is going to go free to play!

The latest Dev Blog is full of details.

While I wish there was more "value" in my current characters and if I was paying for them.
I'm glad I got my subscriptions cancelled and my cash back when I did. I am actually very surprised they have gone this route. I wish there was at least one more character slot per account so users can make a new clone for this "release". But I'm happy that my characters were always based around their faction... Bar my "Gallante" character who was born a Caldari... given the limitations of the "Alpha" clone that still won't be a hassle.

I do foresee a lot of throwaway alts and ganking squads as more of a pain in the a** than ever before.I hope there is a lot of discussion.....

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