Monday 8 August 2016

Star Citizen.... Meh


I got the latest newsletter emailed to me and it's in a new format. The new format of the monthly newsletter is disappointingly a cosmetic change only. The news from Star Citizen at least in my view hasnt' changed.
Lots of talk and little substance.

It's still talk about what they are changing, what way they want things to look like in sneak peeks and background work being done. It's all been said before. Most players don't need to know about it. 
The project in it's entirety is behind schedule so much that the schedule has been thrown out the window and they have gone all Duke Nukem and are saying it's done when it's done.
The next version, 2.4, is the next iteration due. Does it sound like it's going to introduce more to the game. Yes. Will it be as buggy as hell. Yes. Will it lead onto better things in the mini PTU. Temporarily Yes. Will it move the game closer to release..... who knows.
They may find that they want to rewrite whole sections of the game again.

I'm worn out from the information overload from star citizen. So much so that now when I read stuff like the newsletter I'm left skipping sections and skim/fast reading for changes. And in doing so miss a lot of information. After reading I'm left feeling like I've missed so much that I'm being put off the game as there is so much to learn or get my head around when it does hit a real release stage....

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