Tuesday 2 August 2016

Star Trek Online.... The continuing voyages....

My gaming in STO goes on. The main is still doing a daily or two for reputation marks to upgrade some ship and character gear. My newer expansion character, the temporal agent, is steadily levelling despite not doing much. Sneeze and she levels up. Or so it seems. At level 56 it won't be long until level 60 is completed. I'm sure the speed of levelling is a boost due to the expansion being just out.
I recreated an older federation character who had been made at the start of the game but never played with. More a placeholder than anything else. But his name is now on an an Engineering Temporal agent. The benefits of the temporal agent is one not to be missed. Funny how the original character after the old start was level 4 and the new character is level 12 after the tutorials.

This newest before and after is by far the most impressive yet least informative of the bunch.
Most impressive in that it is a literal night to day image. Least informative in that it really doesn't do much to show a true before and after unless everything a player owns in game is being retextured and recoloured.

The latest patch notes improve and fix a lot of things that the expansion introduced as is normal. I have to say I've not noticed anything buggy beyond the normal STO quirkiness.

The expansion events/weekly rewards go on and give some more bonus's. the next bonus should be due in a day or two as of writing.

Star Trek Online and it's parent company will be present at Gamescon in an epic way. No doubt due to the up coming release of the game on console. I hope that there is good news from it.

The ship review here is for the free summer event vessel that is by far the best ship my main, a tactical character could possibly get his hands on. To me the review is skewed from the perspective of gamers in STO that pay to play. I dont' and as a free to play member of the community I have a higher regard for the ship and the fit I can put on it. The review is well worth the read. With luck there will be more blog's and sites that pop up when the console versions are deployed.

Speaking of gatherings the 50th anniversary convention in Las Vegas will have the game present as well. That will indeed be a Star Trek fan's dream.

Last but not least there was a good dev post put out about the history of the game and it's development and releases. Well worth the read. History of Star Trek Online – a Retrospective

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