Sunday 28 August 2016

No Man's Sky.... Yeap I'm talking about it again....

Since I heard about the "Ending" of No Man's Sky I've not been back to the game until today.
Even at that I only spent a few minutes. Those few minutes did nothing for me. I was left wondering why I should move on from the system I am in if the games end does what it does
I renamed the planets in the current system with the truth of the games end. I'll see if they will get erased or renamed. I've not noticed anything else I previously renamed being erased as some have stated this week.
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I've been keeping up on the post launch media fiasco that is the media storm around Hello Games et al. The community wants answers. Hello games seems to be saying they did nothing wrong and have listed gamplay video's etc. They seem to have been a bit too selective in their defence, avoiding a lot of what peeved people off or just replying with very vague or opaque answers. It's all got a bad taste.
They did a live stream on twitch just before the launch but their channel no longer has that video.
Thankfully the internet never forgets. Watching that video makes me think that the really are a bunch of cowboy's, how on earth did they not get called out on things sooner.

Their troubleshooting I thought was very ironic, when they ask that your GFX card be above the minimum spec for the game. If the min spec is too low to run the game it's not the min spec then is it!

A lot of PR was bungled and fudged. So much could have been mitigated if they had said so clearly and in time.
The more discussion I see and hear the more it peeves me off and makes me think more negatively.
The game has good points and bad points and all can be argued till people are blue in the face but with no answers forthcoming people are going to be talking about this for a long time.

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