Monday 8 August 2016

Fallout 4.... Vaulting over the problem....

Fallout 4 is still a huge part of my gaming. I've got all three playthrough's finalised with the latest DLC content, Vault 88. There isn't much of a quest chain in it as it really is a builders dream for the game. So far for me the best DLC was Automotron from a storyline point of view. That's not to say I dont' appreciate having access to all the new stuff you can build. The only problem I find is that I end up spending hours going over my buildings/settlements and replacing and upgrading parts with the newest content that fits in.

As part of my main characters "story" I've kept the coastal cottage settlement empty and built up a hideaway only for my character. It started as a bit of a mess but has formed into a refuge for me and two characters that dont' fit well with the others. Jezebel and Strong. With a Sentry bot on duty as well.

I have changed so much of the worlds of all the playthrough's it's scary the amount of hours that I've put in. I've tried and mostly succeeded in keeping all the characters building projects and improvements different from each other but the more time I spend there is an ever increasing crossover. Good idea's from one find their way into other playthrough's. I have even gotten confused at times. If I were to try and document all the changes I'd end up with 200 screenshots and volumes of text.

Vault 88 was quick for all the characters. Especially my Institute character which I thought would be moving 100% into the new vault as her main base. But not so. In fact she has treated it the worst.
All my characters have ended up in varying degree's but have finalised a vault with good levels of building and then leaving the characters to it with the beacon turned off. With my characters probably never to return. It's a pity that there wasn't more of a quest line but with luck the next DLC will have a good and longer storyline.

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