Tuesday 29 May 2018


Despite getting the first two parts of the challenge done in short order I've been unsuccessful in the last part. It seems like a case of difficulty for the sake of difficulty. The requirements of the last part would be doable if it wasn't for the 'don't die once' part. 

At the level of difficulty you are spotted and pounced on immediately. It would be doable if you were allowed to be revived by team mates; But the fun quickly drains from it when you have to start over and see that counter reset each time. 

I've tried it about six times, three occasions were meaningful tries. Between each attempt I've been  giving it a break of a day or two just to make sure I wasn't feeling like it was forced frustration. 
The best I can do is 5 and 6 of the 10. While it sounds close to the end the actual mayhem, randomness and reinforcements on all sides is not a perfect situation to predict. Let alone the constant spray of rounds and rockets hitting everything. 

At this stage I really can't be bothered with the frustration levels involved. It's such a hammering experience I don't want to do it 20 more times on the off chance I might get it done.
If I did I would bet the random loot from the crates would be rubbish!

I'm surprised that the community portion of the challenge hasn't been completed. Usually it's the first thing to be done. With only 14 days of the challenge left it looks like I won't be getting crates from that either.

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