Wednesday 5 June 2019


I thought I'd have till the end of the month before the Urban Warfare expansion came out, but today yesterday I noticed the 4GB download in Steam. Pleasant surprise.

The patch notes (v1.6) add up to a lot of changes, improvements and additions.
Of great use is the reworked and expanded star map.

The new filter system can let you see the type of planet and level of contract across the entire map. Whats not to like about that! Great to be able to see lower level missions as well for some OP or light mech action.

My new happy hunting grounds!

Thankfully the latest updates don't mess about with the reputations you already have. I had a slight fear that they would, by adding in more or cause a massive imbalance/reset in what a player had already done. Nothing changes so that makes me happy. I might be tempted to start another character/profile as a pirate only sooner than I thought....

The new urban maps are good, real cityscapes with a proper feel. Stomping cars in a mech has never been so good.

I dove in head first with an all or noting lance of Stalkers for my first urban mission. Brute force and ignorance.

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