Monday 10 June 2019


The latest expansion of Battletech has given some good great quality of life changes. It now takes a long time and expense to cross the stars on a 'long' journey. It feels like a large universe. What makes Battletech great has been enhanced in the expansion. It's worth the purchase. Having the season pass I'm now even happier that I got it. I've been really enjoying the game!

Headshots still feel good.

New story-lines are more in depth.

But there is a but. There's something missing. Meaningful impactful changes. Outside of loosing a seasoned pilot there isn't much to cause me to worry. I think that's because I've been so long in the game. I have a merc unit that's flush in cash and equipped with the best of the best. I'm pushing my luck in engagements because I can usually make it thought. It's great to see a good mission, good fights that leave me with a large haul of mechs/parts and a list of equipment as long as your arm. All justified that it was a good fight by my lance of pilots all being injured. Next lance up!!
I can't use the cash to buy a small moonbase. I can't use the cash to run automated merc jobs. I'm still flying around in a dropship like I'm next to broke when I'm really, really, really not.

The new flashpoint rewards of epic or rare mech/loot are anything but. That's still a problem in the game. One reward gave a 'rare' mech(it wasn't) which I sold on the spot as I'd two already(I don't use the type anyway). Not that they sell for much either because it's common muck.

One story line sees an interesting take on pirates. I played it out both ways with a save before hand and the 'righteous' fork in the road is as it says; All goodie two shoes. But the promise of the 180 flip to ultimate 'bad guy' doesn't deliver. Doesn't make you hated by all as inferenced. You get the big payday and a -10 rep hit with 1 faction and + 10 with Pirates. Not quiet a set the universe on fire moment. It felt like a disappointing let down.

So it's more a problem with me than the game. It may have taken less than a week for me to realise all this but I'm still enjoying it.

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