Tuesday 4 June 2019

Star Citizen....

I've been disconnected from Star Citizen for years. I still hop in and out of the game when there were updates but less so the last few years(maybe once a year!?!). So it's fair to say I've distanced myself. Changes and complications mean the more I would have known the more would have changed. Keeping interest is a double edged sword. The less I know the less I have to keep track of.

I do keep up to date on some things, mostly through BoredGamer's update video's. One of his latest has me really thinking about the game again. Mainly about the ships. Specifically about the only ship I have in the game.

Back in 2014 I opted for the Aurora LN, the legionnaire. It made sense at the time for the cheaper cost pledge.

In that old image I have no idea where the other Aurora in the background came from.
I also miss the old shooting range/Greycat obstacle course!

Anyway the new ship video from BoredGamer shows an anticipated general purpose all rounder that has also taken my interest in the past. The Carrack. It now seems to be the all rounder now more than ever. Which in turn makes me wonder if the Aurora LX would have been a better choice than the LN.
Not that I'll be getting either but it's nice to theory craft. Besides the Carrack is supposed to cost around the €1000 mark!!!! Seeing that makes the Cutlass  or  Constellation look cheap and I'd not be buying them! In fact looking at what ship packs can be bought, there isn't one under €50! That's not cheap either for something that's constantly changing in a pre release state!

One of my friends went 'big' into the game, even so far as to have friends and relatives gift Star Citizen ships/credit to him. His personal in game ships and assets must be in the €1000's. He was even a subscriber for years. Yet talking to him about the game now is like even he has lost all hope/faith in the game. 

It'll be interesting to see how all this pans out in the coming year(s). I don't feel so bad about getting a cheaper LN over an LX now.....

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