Monday 24 June 2019


I've been learning a lot while leveling up the mastery on the Arbiter....There's nothing like the glaringly obvious to make a player feel like a noob. I had one of those moments last night. Not the first and I'm sure not he last.

Devices in STO are the optional extras. Nice to have but not 100% needed. Some ships have 1 slot, others have 2 or like my main's primary ship, 3. Device slots can be very useful. 'Devices' I've used in the past and on alternative ships primarily center around deploy-able consumables. Turrets and fighters(Scorpion or Peregrine). I think the phoenix prize store has the peregrine fighters for a better price. Not that I buy many of those. Still a Dilithium sink. What I do go for are the reusable DPS/healing options. The Beacon of Kahless(DPS), Nimbus Pirates(DPS  & Healing) and the Delta reinforcements(DP....S?).

So last night on my new ship, wanting to be a bit more practical/helpful to the groups I'm with I decided to at the very least include the Nimbus Distress call device. I also didn't want to strip gear of my old ships. This ship is very temporary after all... I'm only after the mastery 5 trait. Doing the Nimbus mission for the device reward would be helpful. But since the mission chain was removed from the game I wasn't sure where to even get it these day's.... To the Internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Insert noob moment here> In researching the web entries it says that the items I use, the beacon/reinforcements can be used from your inventory and do not need to be in a device slot!

Mind blown.

I checked it out in game and yes if they are in your inventory, you still get an icon to place in your tray to use in space combat.  So why was I wasting multiple device slot usage!!!

When you click on the device slot you are given the option to fill it from all the items you own which are eligible for that slot. And guess whats listed! Yes the items you don't need to use in a device slot!! Mind Unblown!!!! <Insert WTF here).

In my brains defence I'm sure I knew that years ago, but that was knowledge long lost to time, probably almost immediately. Still it's a little disappointing that there could have been better options. That bit more DPS that could have saved the day....

This Reddit post is interesting about non-consumable devices.

I've been ignoring the red matter device till now.... Roll on the next Phoenix event! It'll be Red Matter devices for all! I might even pick up some fighters and cover the rest of the slots with cheap heavy turrets from the exchange. That's a long way off for now.

The Subspace Field Modulator with it's -400 Proton resistance is a no go for me. I'd forget I had it and end up dead against Tholians...

Turrets it is. Still...... Lots to think about longterm.

Besides all the device revelations I've been doing the dailies as usual which will transition into the summer event dailies. I've gotten the Discovery rep to level 5. A month's worth of PITA daily rep projects to get to level 6. At least I can do them from Risa as well.

In taking the Arbiter through the TFO's for Discovery marks I've started to gain an alternative perspective on my previous STO ranting. TFO's could be overrun wtih like minded players leveling mastery with shít fit ships... Still doesn't explain the lack of players knowledge within FTO's. But I've also noticed a few more players that are actually outspoken, offering 'robust advice'; Other are just being helpful.

I know I mentioned a few STO YouTubers but I forgot to put in an honourable mention to Teacher Kirby's channel, persistent(if specific) STO coverage.

That's not to say there aren't other STO youtubers giving good content. Just mentioning the ones that have crossed my path the most in searches etc.

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