Saturday 8 June 2019

BF 1....

The last week has been yet another mish-mash of good and bad. The good can be great matches with balance. The bad can be complete one sided poundings; So much so that it can only lead you to think a team is super coordinated or cheating. Sometimes it's both but not always. The theme of the week was Elite Elites again after all, some people are that good. 

It's just super frustrating when you snipe a target then get immediately targeted by 8 players on a hillside half a map away who pin you down, then get hit with artillery or planes that could not possibly know where you are. All in the space of a second. Coordinated, ok, super coordinated fine. But when it's constantly happening, to all players on your side. That's not gameplay or super coordination... 

I could waffle on about the frustrations. I'm a solo player in a multiplayer world, what else can I expect.

Given the other game/dlc releases this week I didn't get as much BF1 as usual. Not a bad thing in retrospect. Less is more when editing video(in most cases). 

Still, I got some good gamplay overall:

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