Wednesday 12 June 2019

Star Trek Online....

Like the last event I splashed out again on the store commendation pack for the current event. The pack gives 10 of the 14 daily commendation/vouchers you need to complete the project. It's a time saver shortcut, may as well use the free zen.

Not that I'm into the main reward. Mine launchers are a niche thing. Even with the buffs they've received recently.

It's good to see the weekend store discount; It'll allow players to pickup some nice items from previous events. I have 4 of those tokens to use so I'll have to consider what to get.

I got to do a lot of bag/bank clearance in the last week. Which in turn made me see if I had useful items for my non active but ready starships. Which in turn made me dry dock all but the ships with 'decent' fits.

Not a bad start to the clearance, from 8 empty slots to this....

Then to this.

Some alts even benefited!

It's hard to not keep items, its a constant stream. Especially when you do anything reputation related. Sorting through it all is about justification, justification for keeping, justification for binning(salvage or sell). It's hard to stop hoarding. A late Spring clean is still a good thing. I also got to clear out a load of R&D/Materials.

My main ship, the Vorgon heavy escort is still my go to ship. It does everything well. Like a Swiss army knife, not perfect but gets the job done.

I'm happy with the abilities but I've no theory craft in the subject. What works well, works well...
Row 4 - Attack buffs > Row 3 - offensive abilities > Row 2 - sheild/hull rep > Row 4 - support warpin's/Misc.

The next ship I'd consider as being 'good' is the Bajoran interceptor. For the event it was released with there was also a space set which I got and fitted. A few upgrades and it works out really well today.

In messing about with it I'd forgotten how fast a ship it is. Romulan Plasma based it's a good performer. It had me reconsidering it as my main ship again.

I kept three other ships that were worthy of staying in the roster and tweaking their fit. I also added a few of the vanity shield unlocks to alter the looks of the ships.

The first ship I think I bought off the exchange. The Tholian Meshweaver. Another small fast ship.
Not a bad ship with a Withering Phaser fit. While most of the vanity looks are "fitting" for the ship I couldn't help but keep the pink on this ship. It just works! Fun is fun. So many WoW jokes.

A bit of a confusing first run out in this ship, but still it gives an idea of what it can do.
Maybe more fun than practical... For now...

The second ship was one I got a while ago, part of the store Temporal ship three pack. The raider is a good ship; But sometimes ship layout matters, even if it's one slot in a different area.

This raiders 3/3/5 doesn't work for me, my mains 4/2/5 "feels" better. I need all the hull heals I can get!! This ship is definitely 4th and it shows, the upgrades are not up there for sure. Mothballed, so why upgrade. Yet still good enough to not dry-dock. If I ever seriously use it I'll be doing a lot of fit swapping.

The third ship I have is one  I thought I'd stuck in the dry-dock previously. The Fek'Ihri S'Torr Warship. The fit like the ship is a mish mash but it kind of works. Worthy of more messing about due to it's unique abilities and my 'need' to mess about with a cannon fit....

Not to move on to my other primary class leaders(primary alts?!?).... An Engineer and a Science charecter. They will need a lot of work.... Or work on the Fek'Ihri S'Torr's Mastery level.....

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