Thursday 6 June 2019


I was interested to see what the details were going to be but the more I read the more I'm 'meh' and don't care about it. I don't like subbing for game access. Even saying that I've done so for two online games in the past and still do for my XBox Gold(even if that does give me free games). I could waffle on about initial costs, subscription costs and broadband but there are still too many questions open for Stadia. I like the status quo but even the traditional consoles are declining due to the mobile/cloud 'era'.

"Mobile" games are so very temporary in my book. Why spend so much on them for so little.
Cut the rope may still be good in 10 years time but there's no guarantee you'll be able to download it. At least with WoW it's got a dedicated company behind it in an almost too big to fail kind of way. 

In 2020 they say that Stadia will have a free version with only access to pre purchased games.
Sounds a lot like an offline google play library and I don't have any games I'd go back for on my list.

There is not depth to mobile gaming imho when compared to console let alone PC.

It's not the change in technology that's my real problem it's the change to the way games and gaming are presented. PC and console games complimented each other as well as with technology in the past. Today the Switch is a great example of technology used well as everyone is porting a version of their game to it. The games are not massively changed for it. You still have thumsticks and buttons. A shooter is still a shooter; But to have games on a mobile device that everyone can use across multiple different forms of hardware and many version of the same operating system HAS made the games change. Games are made to fit that mobile mould. C&C may be a mobile version now but it's not C&C even if it's still point and click.etc.

I'm getting to far into the long grass on this subject. Time will tell and either I'll be part of the changes or I'll be left behind moaning on a blog about installing games with a device the size of a desk as the new teens of the day laugh at having to consider install sizes!

*Shakes fist while yelling about kids getting of the lawn*

I've yet to fully bend my mind round the PC game without the need for a PC concept. It's not possibel. Even if it were I'd be hesitant at only owning access to a time limited experience with no future proofing.

Nes, Nes classic.... Stadia today Stadia classic tomorrow?

It's the AAA games that would be needed to win me over. Doing so would be better facilitated if we lived in a world where there was no lag, no ping at all and we were in a worldwide instant neural network. Borg anyone..... They don't have lag.... They all interface..... But even then the games I love to play on PC would be bastardised to fit the technology and I'd have to constantly buy access to it.

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