Thursday 30 January 2020

Battlefield 1....

The latest theme of the week is Apocalypse large scale combat, conquest mode. A mode and scale I'd usually be fully into; Yet I've not played many matches. Seems the coordinated clans are back. All of which leads me to hanging back in a match, spotting, using flares or trying to take down tank/horses. There's only so much a random team can do against more organised sides; And I prefer to not get spam killed.

Which leads me to this weeks video. Being pushed back to spawn points and hammered into the ground has made me notice the games details again. Rain, mud, reflections, shockwaves. Shouts and calls, charging player battle cries, whistles, pops and bangs. Shots and echoes of shots, explosions and flamethrowers. In the heat of battle it can all be overlooked as players get blinkered for the kills. Dedicated PvP players turn off the fancy graphics to enhance their performance. I've always liked the games overall experience, graphics/sound and all.

So a video to highlight that end of the game.... The game experience between the kills.

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