Tuesday 14 January 2020

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

Taking a break from the PC I got back to my starter Xbox BF1 version. A change of scene. A scene with a lot more players. I still can't aim properly with the controller; But there's something enjoyable in faffing about on an account where it's all about the fun. Not that it isn't worthy of serious play; Keyboard and mouse is better for me. Not that I take the PC version that seriously, it's more accessible/controllable in my view. Xbox version is 'just a bit of fun'.

I'm still streaming Xbox gameplay to my PC. Most games stream flawlessly(even with other things happening on the 'ol home network). For BF1 this works out great 98% of the time. That other 2 percent can be split into two scenarios. 1% of that as a second of 'normal' lag; The other 1% because the Xbox stream can't handle achievements popup's(I had to edit out 6 or so seconds of frozen/lag/distortion). 

Lag happens, achi pop-up freakout happens, the price I pay for convenience.... Still, fun was had:

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