Wednesday 29 January 2020


Yesterday after patch time was interesting. Problems with lag due to too many players logging in, is a nice problem to have. A dev or two also appeared in chat channels to gain information from players on new content interactions and any problems which was interesting to watch. I can never fault the support/devs for their efforts, sometimes I wonder where they get their patience.

Rubber-banding all over the place was 'fun' to see. Even more fun to experience in a TFO. I mean that sincerely, it was fun/funny. With it happening to everyone all over the place, space, ground and TFO.

I took the opportunity to start the anniversary Q event; His usual Omega particles tasks.

This also counts as the daily for for the anniversary ship. So two birds with one stone. I'm into that.

The new TFO is a fun filled massive shooting gallery, on a planet. No complaints on that either.

I'm really liking the planet used in the new missions. It's portals remind me of Oblivion's gates. That planet is also the new character select backdrop, erupting lava and all.

This new phase of Star Trek Online is an interesting one to me, with one caveat. It also includes more content from Star Trek Discovery. Amalgamating all Star Trek-dom in their entirety and forming it into a game is commendable; But for me I can't stand Discovery. Not all of it but well into the 90%-tiles. So far I've been able to tolerate it's existence in game and ignore most of it. But the two new missions are long or at least feel long with Burnham mouthing off at everything that goes on(to harsh?) Maybe it was the lag..... That lag got fixed quickly and was gone a short time after.

Yes the 'expansion' is Borg themed, yes it's a good idea to have Seven of Nine, but a Discovery character? I like everything about the new content except for the STD crossovers. I'm biased, I don't like STD(as if that wasn't apparent already). It's not Star Trek to me(as is the new Picard series). In my mind STD and STP are alternative timelines born of the 'Kelvin' movies. Like an ever increasing mudslide, going straight down; leaving only destruction in it's wake.

Fans, viewers and gamers can all like what each individual likes. I'm not here to say anyone should not have their own views and tastes. If you love STD/STP then great, you got two shows to wallow in and a game that has some of your favourite content. But this blog, these waffling words are my views so I'm a gonna waffle(vent therapeutically)!

One other Discovery gripe I have happens with a very cool moment where all the Star Trek series ships and captains warp in(tv voice lines and all) to help you; The gripe? Discovery is at the center of them. Like it's in the lead...... Small thing but it irked me....

So yea, Discovery elements of the content aside, everything else is great.

I do appreciate that running the new missions once gives you all the rewards. So no need to endure experience it again and again unless you want to.

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