Wednesday 22 January 2020


Today was the last daily I needed to complete the Borg event. I'd previously completed the overall token campaign from an overrun of 'credit' with the previous event. So account bound ground anti-Borg rewards for me.

With the event rewards done it's dilithium rewards form here on in. As it the event ends on the 29th of the month that'll be a good amount of dil. Not that I need it, I still have over a million unrefined ore as is. Still old habits are hard to break.

It's an interesting time in STO with the 10th Anniversary. I wouldn't say I'm excited but the upcoming new elements to the game should be interesting.... Like new ships.

Details of changes and additions are already coming out(Omega Event, Additional TFO's). I'm as eager as the community to see what daily rewards are going to be given away.

The new Allied Fleet Service I hope will be a shared player area akin to the way Dalaran worked for WoW. A neutral place for all to dock. Granted like WoW there may be separate bank/exchange areas....

The 'main' event ship is also interesting, a Federation, Klingon hybrid(Command the First Klingon/Federation Ship). CounterYolo Gaming's analysis on the ship is interesting(Alliance Battlecruiser Starship Comparisons | Star Trek Online).

The second(and last) event for the Xbox's free ship will be available later 'today'. I've been away from the Xbox version for a while so I'm looking forward to getting back to it. 

Server patch/maintenance is scheduled for 5 hours(as well as PC)later today!

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