Thursday 19 May 2022

Assassins Creed Origins....

I think I've reached the end of my current 'buzz' with Origins. Over a week since my last post but still a lot done. I've gone through a few steam achi's that were obvious and doable; But I've stopped gameplay more so because the game was a massive time sink(to the detriment of everything else). Just by being in it. It has an amazing living world that brings the game to life no matter where in it you are(over or underworld). As much as I've cleared and explored I still feel like I've only scratched the surface. 

The daily bazaar quest that can sometimes give 'nice' things, has been good and I got a Unicorn... 
I may never use it but I have a unicorn now.

Getting that mount made me recall that I could get the Underworld mount but never had....
Eternal Maw for 5k gold....

But while I've used both Apophis Herw and Mut Herti more than any other mount in the past, my current steed and new favorite is Meri Amun.

Slightly more understated than most mounts, a mount that fits in more than others. I'm all for a flashy matching gear/mount setups but I guess I'm going more for slightly understated practical ninja assassin.  

I'm not like that with all games.

I completed the quests to get the Isu 'light' armour and I was lucky to get the light bow from another bazaar daily...... Add those to the light shield and all I'd need to 'obtain' is a light sword.... But again like so many new shiny things, once I get them I'm not using them. As the saying goes, the want is not as good as the have.

So yea, a lot more explored and discovered; Adventures and fun had. So not much more to comment on in terms of gameplay that I've not said and posted already. I'm still struck by how many side quests there are and the high quality of them. Voice acted well with great stories; A lot of which will prob never be seem by most players. Those quests really add to the world. It's what I really like about the game, pass a random area and bump into someone.... It's like being a 'real' adventurer..... This game has so much detail on so many levels.

Even as a max level character I found that not all encounters were easy. Even with some 'trash' mobs, if you "take your eye off the ball" they can mob you and hurt you, bringing you to an 'oh shít' moment quicker than you'd think. Been there, done that, will happen again!

Anyway, that's enough waffle. A picture paints a thousand words....

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