Tuesday 31 May 2022

ARMA Reforged....

I've waffled on and off over the years about my original Flashpoint days(PC and Xbox but mainly PC).
After it I never got into Arma at all. I've a friend who has and who has in as big a way as a player can. Clan(s) and all.
So when I saw Arma Reforged this last week I was hit with nostalgia(& I read about it here). The models, the updated textures and 'modern' take on an old games aesthetic which I was massively into .... Nostalgia. That feeling was strong.

That said and as much as the nostalgia is flowing I didn't get the immediate 'take my money' urge! I wanted to know more.
It's early days yet, it's in alpha and it costs €29.99; Those two facts stalled my 'interest' dead. That's not to say it's in bad shape(from those that have seen it, say whats there is 'good') as is but I'll wait for development and a sale in the future. A game to keep an eye on.

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