Friday 27 May 2022


It's a game I've seen around for a while through its promotions and trailers. Liking what I saw I thought it worth a try(better late than never).

The humour isn't for everyone, but it's some that I find funny, from patronizing computer voice-overs to the chicken in space. The games opening and it's initial scenario sets the course of the survival shenanigans.  Like trying to seal an air leak with a chicken! Only the chicken isn't air tight.... So bubble gum has to do the job... It's that type of game!

The basic gameplay is akin to a lot of games I've been really into in the past and present(survival and crafting).

A game I have free access to via Xbox Gamepass. A game I've installed and yet have not played more than a few minutes on 4 or 5 occasions.

On a lot of levels it's a game I really should be all over; But I'm not and I really don't know why. I don't know why I can't handle more than a few minutes before bailing on it. Till today when I went to click on it's icon, stopped and went for the uninstall instead. Another game where I find I've a lot to like about it but can't get into. Seems to be happening more often. Maybe my tastes in gaming are changing. Maybe there's just too much choice these days. Bit of both probably.

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