Wednesday 4 May 2022

Eve Online....

A post about Eve Online(but really CCP) where I'm not complaining..... Shocking I know!

Unsurprisingly I've not been up to much in game since my last few Eve posts. The friend who gave me access to his account, yea, it did indeed not get much use as I predicted. That said it's been a while since I've had 3 Omega characters mining in a fleet, working a belt in hi-sec, so that was good. Even if it was just for a few day's. He logged back on the last day of his Omega time to wrap things up for himself. In real life he's a professional in a field that pays well, pays overtime even more so but damn he does nothing else but work. It's not that he doesn't like the work either but still; All work and no play. 
As for the other two guys I've mentioned before, they're even more gaming polarized, jumping from game to game in order to stay with 'the new hotness'. Very much a gaming case of 'keeping up the the Jones's'. Something I could never really do. A little bit of hype every now and then is as far as I go. I'm into gaming for the fun of it. They play Eve because of the big battle hype and the idea of it all; Play Eve for a week and then I don't see them in game again for 6 months. Playing Eve for me is a 'different' kettle of satisfaction fish on that front. 

Training on my 2 mains is progressing, both are doing level 5 on battleships(Min and Amarr). Not that either of them really need those skills but the more marauder options for the future the better.  
Speaking of mining, both accounts on both mains and alts are finished with recent mining related skill changes; Alts are themselves now training skills they don't really 'need'. Nice to have but pretty much training for the sake of training. When your alts are sitting on north of 70 Million SP it's all overkill. At least for me and my character use's, carebear that I am.

P.I. across all my characters has been tweaked. I've been so settled in my P.I. systems and planets that altering them isn't of much benefit. P.I. in hi-sec being the worst lesser of all, so I didn't really need to change much. Some have been altered to take advantage of better quantities and so getting better prices in some processed goods. But a good 70% are still processing the same as they ever have. 
Overall low quantity, high value is panning out to be the same as high volume, low price items. Right now 50% of my planets has a corp standing discount. In a lot of ways I don't want to rock that boat. There's a lot of nuance to balance out in making changes to my P.I. Give it another week or so and I'll have more of a concrete base to weigh decisions on what I've changed. 

Missioning hasn't been a motivation, short term or long term, not yet; Neither has running abyssal space. Although I've been toying with the idea of a semi bling Gila.... More research needed on that since the last batch of abyssal changes(a while ago) had put me off abyssal space. 
A more real faff about ship exists in a Confessor I have for exploration and anomaly combat. It's a cheaper yet capable mini wandering multi-tool faff about and so is more appealing. Besides if it all goes wrong it'd be cheaper to replace.Then again the time and effort vs reward is always a shifting scale for me.

Speaking of which, one thing that that ship does highlight is my mains lack of skills for T2 data/relic analyzers. That fact stopped me in my tracks in a 'hows that possible' disbelief kind of way. Something else to add to the skill queue.

My 'other' alts, old trial account Alphas are still dormant. I've no real need to use them while my mains are subbed. However the 2 old mystery code 90 day trial Alphas; Which are in large corps, could offer more game-play going forward. Or at least have the potential to keep options open. I think I mentioned before one of them could sideline into Wormholes. It's the only area that I've not done much with and that holds some interest for me(as is Pochven, but I've no interest there). Then again that's a much larger commitment given my own lack of time, motivation, and carebearishness; So will see if anything happens.... 

The 19th anniversary is active. It's good to see the SocT ships(T1 that Apotheosis, Sunesis, Gnosis and Praxis) being given away for free to Omega login's, pity it's not for Alpha's as well. Great all rounder ships that do most things well. Free is free and especially nice with the Praxis as they are selling for good isk. For now, until this glut hits the market. Still a ship worth holding onto in my view. Not that I'll be selling any of them.
I've been messing about with a spare Praxis already on my second main. I was planning contemplating running the Praxis as an anchor for my main with him in a Tengu for missions.
This Praxis fit is in no way 'optimized'. It works and works well for me. So I've no need to push limits, squeeze percentages or min/max it. 

Do I have better ships, yea. Do I have better fits, yea. I could use a Navy Raven or another Tengu, but that's not the point for these characters in this system, with this gear. As much hassle as I'd give my friend(have and will) for taking bling fit ships into low sec(and loosing them); He does the same to me for the ships I keep in bubble wrap.
In fact my mains have been 'away' from their usual stations and area's of operations for a long time. Only reentering 'life' to collect and sell P.I. They've been living with what could be called the bare essentials, but really for them it's the best of the rest bottom of the bottom of the barrel of nice spare parts. That may sound snooty considering the tech involved. I've been in the game a long time and I've got a lot of stuff. Spares for the spares spare is not uncommon. One players being space poor is another payers being space rich. 
Cracks me up every time I talk to a new new player and they think it's awesome when they top their wallet at 1 million. It's too easy as a veteran to blow their fragile little minds with sending another million; But I prefer to give them a fitted ship. One of the best newbro comments I got was after giving such a ship(a destroyer with best named T1 fit for salvage), 'wow that's the first thing I've seen that I don't need to train for'.
As for the location and the ships on my two mains, both are in a common system that's been a staple for me and my mains corp mates since the start. Handy for all occasions/activities. A bit like the ships I've got on both mains there to cover most contingencies. Again not the best of the best but rag tag and scrapped together underdog (except for the Porpoise that was genuine effort). Ship's I can faff about with. The very definition of what I can afford to lose. I might not be happy if I do but not debilitating so.


And my second main with these...

Eve is Eve. Different things to different people. I hope the announcements at fanfest at the very least offer something to everyone. Expectations are high for 'more' of everything for everyone. Something the could never do before. This feels like the calm before the storm.

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