Friday 6 May 2022

Star Trek Online....

My 'normal' gameplay goes on, fun is fun. Both on PC and Xbox. Same'ol same'ol, no surprises there really. 

On the Xbox front I've been pottering about and leveling up the last of my recruit alts. 

It's almost the same on PC, I've been mainly on the newer less fleshed out alts. Those alts a lot of ways make perfect thematic sense, just not min/max'd dps sense(my cat in a cat carrier for instance).

The recent changes to the Phoenix Prize packs were a surprise to me. I wasn't up to date on plans to change it(long term as that may have been), such as the Ten Forward streams etc. Not that I could do much about it now. It was later in the day after the patch and it's changes when I found out. I did claim the free 10 prize boxes from the Zen store and take all my characters to the nearest prize vendor(99% Grim on Drozana) and claim anything they needed. After which the bulk of leftover tokens were then traded in for the newer, nerfed, lower quality prize upgrade tokens. 

New   vs   Old

The prize store itself seems to make things more obtainable, seem that way. Dil sink gotta sink Dil. I'm glad I'm well over needing anything from it. The old Upgrades were by far the most valuable item and now they're nerfed. Makes me glad I'd stocked up the last time Grim was around so all in all I'm OK with things. The only newly available item I wanted was the Gordi Boff for no other reason than to have him on my main(There are I have better bridge officers by trait comparison).

With the latest event of red alerts done for progress I'll continue to do it for the Dil.....

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