Wednesday 12 March 2014

A new 90......

My gameplay in Wow has been very low key of late. A few low level dungeon runs, the usual farming 
(In doing so my druid maxed his cooking (first of the 90's to do so)).


And a few dailies here and there. 
Last night turned out to be very different.

The pre-purchase of the next expansion pack was listed on the launcher and peeked my interest the day before yesterday. Needless to say I think a lot of people in wow were interested.

I lasted about 24 hours before buying it last night. It was a bit too easy to buy.... 2 or 3 mouse clicks.... done and dusted.

Now to wait for Dec 20th and start the expansion proper lol.

I purchased the deluxe digital edition and also got the mount and pet, first time I've ever done that.
I was glad to see that the missus's account which is linked to my own was able to use the new mount as well. Save €10 and no need to get the deluxe version for her :)

I decided to choose between two character's among my alts that would use the new boosted to 90 feature/freebie, my rouge and my priest. In the end I decided to go for the rog.

Click the new option icon for the boost

Choose which character

Choose the spec

Last chance to reverse course
The new 90 and the green gear freebie look
Timeless Isles gear with a few transmog's to make it "better".

Once in game you will appear on the timeless isles, if you open your bags you will see that all your stuff is gone, but not to worry as the dev's have posted it all to you.

And given your character 4 Embersilk 22 slog bags.
I was lucky to have not used all the bank tabs on this character so I used his old bag's to fill those slots.

Although I've played and enjoyed the lower level rogue I've yet to really see what the 90 talents/abilities/glyphs and rotations are for assassination. 
A good RL friend has done this process and boosted a hunter so we are swapping info as my main is a hunter and his is a rogue. Happy co-incidence.  I'll prob only get to really dig into the rog 90 experience during the next weekend.

This is my 6th level 90, I've never had so many top end characters at once before. With the expansion out in late December I guess it won't be the last.

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