Friday 14 March 2014


I played hearthstone last night. I had read/seen information about it before but as I'm not into card games I didn’t pay much attention to it. That is until a friend said that you can get a free wow mount from it!! 
It's in open Beta at the moment and looks pretty polished.

It's a little quirky and fun and was easy to get into unlike others I've tried. I got the npc starter opponents all done with only 1 loss. I then moved on to the class specific hero's, defeated the hunter but as it was late I ended that but I'll return to it and keep going until I get 3 wins in a row to get the mount. So I'll have to see how the online pvp goes.

The mount my friend got was the blue one, I'd like to get both.... may not happen.

and this pic of them from MMO Champ flying looks like they have cool wings:

Here is my last npc play through in quick-pics:

Nice of them to say so....

Open Beta is here:

Worth a try even if your not into wow.

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