Monday 10 March 2014

That noise in my head....

It's short, annoying over time and stuck in my head the last while.....

So with that "noise" and this image:

Both have me asking the question why there are not more corp's in Eve that actively enforce the "do-gooder" side of life in game.

There are plenty of griefer corp's in all shapes and sizes. Plenty of ninja looters.  Plenty of corp's that enforce various lifestyles that are not aligned with the way Concord would have hi-sec. There are even notorious -10 sec status players that live in some hi-sec systems!

Where are the player space police?

I can image how hard it would be to start such a corp.
The best way to start (I think) would be to get a corp name that is apt to the cause, make it part of a large alliance that wouldn't be easily or causally war-dec'd, then to make sure that it doesn't loose focus make it a role playing corp. Setup channels for intel in and out of the corp.
It would be hard to start, hard to find an alliance both large and willing and hard to manage and maintain.
Considering I found it hard to start a lil pve indy carebear corp who am I to talk.

How about a part of the volunteer program that actually acts as a living, breathing player version of concord!
Imagine a group of space police comet 's chasing down and destroying all those ninja looters..... Cops in space, why should the robbers have all the fun!

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