Thursday 27 March 2014

Posts, posts and more posts....

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the metagame involved with eve online, a lot of people don't bother at all. I like to be informed even if it's to surf the web and catch the general big issues/news players are concerned about. Today the things that I seemed to view the most were these:

Jesters latest is interesting and has links to the official forums where there is a lot being said/spammed, as well as this. There are lots of different - view's about it on the web.

On the new changes to the industry side I think the reduction of reprocessed materials will be the biggest slap to my mission running face... maybe I'll have to setup a reprocessing module in my hi-sec POS for the extra mining that I'll be doing..... this post was of interest in looking at the changes.

There was also this post that reminded me about the music from eve online. I used to be probably one of the few I know that kept the music in game on. It's just not the same since the jukebox was removed a few patches ago. I must make use of the SoudCloud site. I think the combat music in general is good, but does not compete with music you can do yourself to suit your mood. I'll have to post up a playlist at some stage...
Tracks from Eve that have always stood out to me. Rose of Victory, Mission05, Mission04 & this.

A great view of the soon to be Eve online TV "show" is written in this blog. Makes me wonder what happened to the Eve online documentary.

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