Friday 21 March 2014

Reprocessing changes....

Three things strike me after reading about the new changes to reprocessing....

That I wont' be getting as much ore for the mods that I reprocess after missioning. It's the main way I get ore, not that I'm big into production but the thoughts of actually having to go mine.... for real mine.... I really have to go mine it.... really.....

How good the new ui looks when doing the reprocessing.


That skilling up will be easier to train up, that my mains may actually get to learn the ore processing skill books they got a few years ago as freebies from  CCP.

This blog goes into the real details of that the changes may/will mean:
but the comment at the bottom .....
I'm sorry, but you got it wrong. Holding ores gives you nothing. While on patch day the mineral contents of your ore increase by 38%, your reprocessing skill drops to 72.4%, so you will gain the same minerals: 1.38*0.724= 1"

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