Friday 28 March 2014

Back to my usual jabber.....

My usual eve "dailies" have continued to march on, updating and collection of PI/POS jobs/skill q’s.

I did move my Minmatar alt to a major level 4 mission hub to see how testing of a battleship with a friend would go, but after getting some news that didn't happen. 
Apparently due to lagging out he lost his missioning ship/loot/tractor unit/drones, then lost another ship that went in to salvage/scoop the loot. So he does not seem to be a happy bunny. Understandable but a bit odd… usually on disconnecting your ship will collect drones and do an emergency warp. The kill log info gives no real information. Petitions were logged.

I sent him a bunch of stuff, drones/some lower t1 ships/replacement +fit. He is still very put out by the game at the moment and not talking about it at all….. may take a bit to get back into it. 
PI for both my mains is starting to be a joke… they are really being hit with tax’s, one poco was replaced by a 1 man corp that is talking 25%!! Needless to say I've nto used it, the others have me down about another 5 to 8 million. So while on my main I sent a mail to the corp diplo/leader that holds the planets poco’s I use, they added my corp as +5 so that’s 3% less tax… not bad at all.

Will see how the weekend offers.

The usual goes on......

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